Challenge Four : place different shapes in a bamboo cane vase

For this challenge, I have to put different shapes in the neck of the vase, as you can see some shapes are easier that others.

You have to be very careful, about Extinction with this trick, if us dogs try something over and over and gets no reaction for it, we will deem this to be a pointless waste of time thing to do, and so we will stop offering this behaviour.

Like with our ancestors if a hunting technique constantly failed, they would abandon it and try something else.

So you need to pay us for every attempt at putting the bone near the bamboo vase with one treat, but give us jackpots of treats for putting the bone on the vase, or anything that looks like an attempt to get the bone in the vase.

We also play a game where the bone is placed in the vase and I get told to hold and drop, I get Jackpotted for this, as well, and it gives me an idea of what the end behaviour should look like.

I play this game for my Burns fish and brown rice, so far I have managed to manouvre the bone into place myself twice, more luck than judgement though alas, but this is proving to be a good challenge to keep me amused while I am injured.

Why don’t you give it a try and post a video of your efforts.

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